Vimaly REST version 1 API documentation

This is the reference documentation for Vimaly's REST interface version 1. Please use the latest version is possible.

To use the interface you need an Vimaly user login or an API key. For full access you need a login or API key with admin rights for the organization you will be using. An API key can be generated from the application settings page under organization->settings.

Tabel of contents

  1. Structure of REST requests
  2. Actions
    1. /ids
    2. /users
    3. /custom-fields
    4. /ticket-types
    5. /bins
    6. /tickets

Structure of REST requests

The access url is of the form:


Basic authentication can used to access the resources by supplying the email (lower-case) and password. If using an API key instead append the query parameter key=yourAPIKey

When using an API key for put, post and delete you must also append the query parameter userId=recordUserId which will run the action under the user corresponding to the _id recordUserId.

Responses are in the form of http status codes and JSON data.

An example using wget with email and password:

  wget --http-password=secret \

  => SUCCESS [200] (application/json)
       "name":"Russell Healy",
       "name":"Geoff Jacobsen",

An example using curl API key:


  => SUCCESS [200] (application/json)

Format of put request body

The put request body can updated parts of fields in a section call $partial. The format of the $partial sections is:
            topLevelField1: [
              cmdOrSubField1, value,
              cmdOrSubField2, value,
            topLevelField2: [...],
where topLevelFieldn is the name of a top-level field such as: name, checklists and cmdOrSubFieldn can be a sub-level field such as:, customFieldId123; or one of the commands: top-level field name follow


All action requests start after the {rest-prefix} (see above). Parameters can be passed in the URL and also in the body as JSON data; URL parameters take precendence for any duplicate values also in the body


When new records are created unique ids must be supplied by the caller. This is so that the POST commands can be resent multiple times without creating multiple records.

This command supplies the client with a list of suitable ids to use.


GET /ids?amount={amount}

Return a list of ids

amount (optional - defaults to 4)The number of ids to return; must be between 1 and 100


200 - application/json




Retrieve details about users.


GET /users/{_id or email}

Return details for specified user

_idThe user _id
emailThe user email address


200 - application/json


    "name":"Russell Healy",

404 - "Not found"

GET /users

Return list of users for the organization


200 - application/json


    "name":"Russell Healy",
    "name":"Geoff Jacobsen",


Retrieve details about custom fields.


GET /custom-fields/{_id}

Return details for specified custom field

_idThe custom field _id


200 - application/json

type is: 1: text, 2: decimal, 3: integer, 4: list



404 - "Not found"

GET /custom-fields

Return list of custom fields for the organization


200 - application/json


  }, {
    "name":"Close reason",
    }, {
    }, {
      "name":"Wont Fix",


Retrieve details about ticket types.


GET /ticket-types/{_id}

Return details for specified ticket type

_idThe ticket type _id


200 - application/json

colorThe background color for tickets of this type
disabled (optional)This ticket type should not be used for new tickets
{standard-field} (optional) A standard-field is any of the following:
  • estimatedDuration: type: interval
  • estimatedEffort: type: effort
  • estimatedEffortRemaining: type: effort
  • estimatedCost: type: currency
  • actualCost: type: currency
  • plannedStartDate: type: date
  • actualStartDate: type: date
  • dueDate: type: date
  • completedDate: type: date
and have a value of either "optional" or "alwaysShow" where "alwaysShow" indicates that the ticket should always present the field as opposed to "optional". The types effort and currency have additional fields
  • effort has a "units" field like estimatedEffortUnits and estimatedEffortRemainingUnits and can be either "points" or "interval".
  • currency has a "currency" field like estimatedCostCurrency and actualCostCurrency. Currencies are ISO 4217 three letter codes like USD and EUR
customFields (optional)Map of the custom field available for this ticket type
customFields.{_id}The _id of a custom field
customFields.{_id}.orderThe order to present this custom field in a list
customFields.{_id}.alwaysShowCustom field is shown on all tickets of this ticket type


    "estimatedEffort": "optional",
    "estimatedEffortUnits": "interval",

404 - "Not found"

GET /ticket-types

Return list of ticket types for the organization


200 - application/json




Retrieve details about bins.


GET /bins/{_id}

Return details for specified bin

_idThe bin _id


200 - application/json

colorThe background color of the bin
wipLimit (optional)Maximum number of tickets in this bin until a warning shows


    "name":"ops.exp.Expedite Issues Queue",

404 - "Not found"

GET /bins

Return list of bins for the organization


200 - application/json


    "name":"ops.exp.Expedite Issues Queue",


Retrieve details about tickets.


GET /tickets/{_id}?rtformat=text|html

Return details for specified ticket

_idThe ticket _id
rtformatIf set to html returns the ticket description as html markup


200 - application/json

bin_idThe id for the bin the ticket is in
ticketType_idThe id for the ticket-type of this ticket
orderThe position of the ticket within the bin
assigned_idsList of user ids assigned to this ticket
watch_idsList of user ids watching this ticket
{standard-field} Any or all of the standard fields (see Ticket types for a definition). Depending on a field's type it has the following format:
"interval" (or "effort" with unit of "interval") [{number}, {unit}] where {unit} is one of "mins", "hrs", "days", "wks"
"effort" (with unit of "points") [{number}, "pts"]
"curency" [{decimal}, {currency}] where {decimal} is a string of digits with an optional decimal point and {currency} corresponds to the standard-field's currency from the ticket's ticket-type
"date" "yyyy-mm-dd"; a string of the date at UTC zero-hundred hours. This date may appear differently for different time-zomes; typically New Zealand will show a day earlier.

checklists (optional)A map of checklists
checklists.{cl_id}A checklist. cl_id should be unique
checklists.{cl_id}.itemsA map of items for the checklist
checklists.{cl_id}.items.{item_id}A map of items for the checklist
checklists.{cl_id}.items.{item_id}.checkedPresent and true if the item is complete
customFields (optional)A map of custom fields
customFields.{cf_id}The value of a custom field. The cf_id determines which custom-field. The value is determined using the custom field's type


    "name":"Select a group of bins",
    "estimatedDuration":[3, "days"],
    "estimatedEffort":[2.5, "pts"],
    "actualCost":["123.45", "EUR"],
        "name":"Acceptance tests",
            "name":"Can use ctrl-click to add to selection",
            "name":"Can move bins together",
      "QaGQsdXHZkiRBMfom": 2
      "HHzNciedfaRmaymng": "E123TWS"

404 - "Not found"

GET /tickets?bin_id={bin_id}

Return list of tickets for the specified bin_id


200 - application/json


    "name":"Widgets are broken",
     "name":"Select a group of bins",
         "name":"Acceptance tests",
             "name":"Can use ctrl-click to add to selection",
             "name":"Can move bins together",
       "QaGQsdXHZkiRBMfom": 2
       "HHzNciedfaRmaymng": "E123TWS"

400 - application/json {bin_id: [["is_required"], ["is_invalid"]]} - or access not allowed

PUT /tickets/{_id}?{fields}

Update details for specified ticket. Fields can be sent as parameters or a JSON body. Only specifiy the fields to be changed.

_idThe ticket _id
nameThe name of the ticket
rtformatThe description is 'text' or in 'html' markup format
descriptionThe description for the ticket
bin_idThe id for the bin the ticket is in
ticketType_idThe id for the ticket-type of this ticket
orderThe position of the ticket within the bin
assigned_ids.$+{count}(Deprecated) Assign a user to this ticket using the user's id. (count is number to make the key unique)
assigned_ids.$-{count}(Deprecated) Unassign a user to this ticket using the user's id. (count is number to make the key unique)
watch_ids.$+{count}(Deprecaetd) Set user as a watcher of this ticket using their id. (count is number to make the key unique)
watch_ids.$-{count}(Deprecated) Unset user as a watcher of this ticket using their id. (count is number to make the key unique)
{standard-field}See GET /tickets/{_id}
checklists.{cl_id}(Deprecated) Add a new checklist. cl_id should be unique
  {"name": "Checklist name", "order": 100}
checklists.{cl_id}.items.{item_id}Add a new checklist item
checklists.{cl_id}.items.{item_id}.checkedcheck (true) / uncheck (false) an item
customFields.{cf_id} Set the value of a custom field. The cf_id determines which custom-field. The value is determined using the custom field's type. For lists use the option's id


204 - No content - update was successful

400 - application/json {<field>: [<list-of-errors>], ...} A map of field errors found

404 - "Not found"

POST /tickets/{_id}?{fields}

Create a ticket with the specified fields. Fields can be sent as parameters or a JSON body.

_idA unique id for the ticket
name (required)The name of the ticket
rtformatThe description is 'text' or in 'html' markup format
descriptionThe description for the ticket
bin_id (required)The id for the bin the ticket is in
ticketType_id (required)The id for the ticket-type of this ticket
orderThe position of the ticket within the bin - defaults to end of list
assigned_idsA list of user_ids to assign to this ticket
watch_idsA list of user_ids that are watching this ticket
{standard-field}See GET /tickets/{_id}
checklists A map of checklists in the form:
{cl_id: {
 name: "name of checklist", order: position when listed,
 items: {it_id: {
  name: "name of item",
  order: position when listed,
  checked: true or false },

where cl_id and it_id are unique ids.
customFields A map of customFields in the form: {cf_id: value, ...}
where cf_id is the id of a custom field and value is conforming the custom form's type.

The cf_id should correspond to a custom-field set in the ticket-type but this is not enforced.


204 - No content - Creation was successful

400 - application/json {<field>: [<list-of-errors>], ...} A map of field errors found

400 - application/json {_id: [["is_invalid"], ["already_exists"], ["not_unique"]]} already_exists indicates a ticket already has this id